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C.S.S.O mp3 download (27 tracks)

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Album: Are You Excrements? mp3 download

Year: 2000
Artist: C.S.S.O
Quality: High
Rating: StarStarStar

C.S.S.O - Are You Excrements? album

Track listing:

No. Title Size
1. C.S.S.O - Cosmic Super Strong Ordure.mp3 4.73 Mb download
2. C.S.S.O - Living Dead A Go Go.mp3 18.03 Mb download
3. C.S.S.O - Worst.mp3 4.31 Mb download
4. C.S.S.O - Diversion Of Former Customary.mp3 6.39 Mb download
5. C.S.S.O - Mental Rape 1 & 2.mp3 4.67 Mb download
6. C.S.S.O - Are You Excrements.mp3 13.41 Mb download

We Recommend: Ne-Yo mp3 (10 albums)!

Album: Nagro Lauxes VIII mp3 download

Year: 1995
Artist: C.S.S.O
Quality: High
Rating: StarStarStarStarStar

C.S.S.O - Nagro Lauxes VIII album

Track listing:

No. Title Size
1. C.S.S.O - Daddy's Home.mp3 3.34 Mb download
2. C.S.S.O - Explanatory Notes Of Pilferage.mp3 2.01 Mb download
3. C.S.S.O - 256.mp3 3.67 Mb download
4. C.S.S.O - Very Very Blue Belly.mp3 3.79 Mb download
5. C.S.S.O - Perversion.mp3 1.64 Mb download
6. C.S.S.O - Kyoshikanga.mp3 3.54 Mb download
7. C.S.S.O - Spartan.mp3 2.66 Mb download
8. C.S.S.O - Intro.mp3 2.29 Mb download
9. C.S.S.O - Bara Bara Man.mp3 2.98 Mb download
10. C.S.S.O - Richly Coloured Moist Elegy.mp3 1.08 Mb download
11. C.S.S.O - I'd Chokyo.mp3 2.60 Mb download
12. C.S.S.O - Alkanoid.mp3 1.19 Mb download
13. C.S.S.O - Psycho 65.mp3 3.22 Mb download
14. C.S.S.O - Boric Acid Dumpling.mp3 3.63 Mb download
15. C.S.S.O - Penisnatcher.mp3 0.86 Mb download
16. C.S.S.O - The Song Without Rice.mp3 3.46 Mb download
17. C.S.S.O - A Trigonometrical Of Mokuba.mp3 6.41 Mb download
18. C.S.S.O - Intro.mp3 2.46 Mb download
19. C.S.S.O - Zombie Fuck.mp3 4.71 Mb download

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Artist: Kid Cudi
Song: Man On The Moon

Alright run it
I never gave a fuck
I never a fuck about what niggas thought about me
I mean I did but like fuck it you know what I'm sayin
You gon' love me man
You gon' love me man

They can't comprehend
Or even come close to understanding him
I guess if I was borin they would love me more
Guess if I was simple in the mind
Everything would be fine
Maybe if I was jerk to girls
Instead of being nice and speakin kind words
Then maybe it would be ok to say then
I wasn't a good guy to begin with

But my mind is all crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy...
They got me thinkin I aint human,
Like I came in from above, above, above, above...
Feelin like a airplane in the sky
But then they say I'm crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy...
They got me thinkin I aint human,
Like I came in from above, above, above, above...
Feelin like a bird sittin high high

I be that man on the moon
I'm that man on the moon
And imma do what I do so
Do you hey hey
I be posted with my blunt and a brew my dude
I'm that man on the moon
I'm up up on the moon

Close my eyes, hide in the dark
It's a curtain call, come on come all
All I do is try to make it simple
The ones that make it complicated
Never get congratulated
I'm somethin different in all aspects
Don't want a woman just to love her assets
I Still wife her up even with her flat chest
The type to get hurt
But that's the past tense

My mind is all hazy, hazy, hazy, hazy...
I be thinkin that I'm wrong,
Cuz they used to call me lame, lame, lame...
My swag was a little different
But then my mind is hazy, hazy, hazy, hazy...
I be thinkin that I'm wrong.
But they the ones who lame, lame, lame, lame...
I got the last laugh nigga

I be that man on the moon
I'm that man on the moon
And imma do what I do so
Do you hey hey
I be posted with my blunt and a brew my dude
I'm that man on the moon
I'm up up on the moon

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